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  1. weblihost
    February 17, 2023 @ 5:14 AM

    Nice and interesting post. Is there a way to know how many wires is my thermostat having


    • thenomadstudio
      March 6, 2023 @ 4:57 PM

      The only way to be sure is to turn off the power to your thermostat & Furnace and open the thermostat to find the wires.


  2. Abe neufeld
    March 29, 2023 @ 1:30 PM

    Don’t understand we have 4 wires from wall and they say we need 5 wires for best to work can you help


    • thenomadstudio
      March 30, 2023 @ 5:03 PM

      Hello Abe, I am not an expert but as far as I know, you can try to identify the wires by checking your furnace end. Turn off the power to furnace and open the cover to find the configuration of the four wires. In my case, even though we had lot of wires coming out of the cable in the thermostat end, only four of them were actual working ones that were connected to the furnace. The fifth one that was missing for us was the power wire. That why we added an external power adapter. If you are still unsure of the wires, do not try anything on your own. Please contact your local electrician.


  3. Julie
    July 10, 2023 @ 9:28 PM

    Thank you so much for this article and the solution to this problem. My daughter gave me an Ecobee and I searched and searched on how to get this to work with my old but good furnace. I was about to give up and return it back to her when I came across your article. This solution worked like a charm!!! Thank you again so much.



    • thenomadstudio
      October 7, 2023 @ 7:31 PM

      Glad it helped! 🙂 Thank you for letting us know.


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